Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How to rename the logical name of a database in SQL 2008?

How to rename the logical name of a database in SQL 2008?

The blow TSQL will rename the logical name of your  databases

ALTER DATABASE [yourdatabses]
MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'oldlogicalname', NEWNAME = 'newloggicalname')

In the above example [yourdatabses] can be replaced with your databases name,’oldlogicalname' can be replaced with the existing logical name of your database and 'newloggicalname' name can be replaced with the new logical name for your databases.


How to see the list of files in a SQL server backup file?

How to see the list of files in a SQL server backup file?

Today I was coding one application which will help us to restore and take back of our application’s databases.While coding the application I came across a situation, where I need to now the logical file name of the mdf and ldf files in the backup file.I googled a loot and finally I found a solution which I thought of sharing here for other who needs the same.

The TSQL command below will show the show the back up type and other details of the file.


To retrieve the logical files name and other details use the below TSQL

RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'E:\xxxxxxxxxxxxx' with file=1

Sunday, August 28, 2011

How to get the machine and windows user name of a logged in user in c#?

The below code will help you to find the Logged in windows user


For getting the Machine Name you can use the below code.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

HOWTO: Print to a USB Printer from DOS in Windows XP

HOWTO: Print to a USB Printer from DOS in Windows XP

In order to print from DOS in an offline environment like the stores, you will need to do a couple
of things.

1) Install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter
         a) In Control Panel, double click on Add Hardware.
         b) Click Next
         c) When the scan finishes, select "Yes, I have already connected the hardware"
         d) Click Next
         e) Scroll to the bottom of the list and select "Add a new hardware device"
             Click Next
         f) Select "Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced)"
         g) Click Next
         h) Select "Network Adapters"
         i) Click Next
         j) Select "Microsoft" under the Manufacturer list.
         k) Select "Microsoft Loopback Adapter" in the Network Adapter list.
         l) Click Next
         m) Click Next
         n) Click Finish

2) Configure the Adapter
         a) The loopback adapter is a virtual network adapter and can be configured the same as a
              regular network card.
         b) Set the adapter to have a static IP address such as
         (if this ip already assigned to some other device in your network,then assign a diffrent one) 

3) Share the printer.
         a) I recommend you use a share name that you will remember. I used “Printer” in the new
             machines that are already deployed.

4) Capture the printer port.
         a) NET USE LPT1: \\[Computer Name]\Printer /PERSISTENT:YES

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) Invalid column name 'AwaitingFirstExecution'.

Today when I resorted our reporstserver databases of SSRS to the newly formatted server I came across the below error as

An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) Invalid column name 'AwaitingFirstExecution'.

After a lot of googling I found that the above error occurs when there is a difference between version of the reporting server and the report server databases .The solution for this error is as below

1) Stop the reporting server

2) Restore the Reporstserver and ReportServerTempDB databses.

3) Restart reportingsverever.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to register a com dll in the context of an administrator user in c#?

The below code sample can be used for registering a com dll from c# by using the regsvr32 command. Normally in a real-time environ the logged in windows ,will not be having enough privileges to carry out the dll registration .In this scenario the code we write should be capable enough to register the dll in some other users context (May be administration) for carrying out the registration process.

The below code registers the dll in the context of administration in order to overcome the privilege issues.

string Adminuser=”Administrator”;
string Password=”Password”;
string Domain=Domainname;
string File=”mydll.dll”;//dll to registrer
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo ProcessInfo;
ProcessInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();  
ProcessInfo.UserName = @Adminuser;
ProcessInfo.Domain = Domain;
ProcessInfo.Password = SecurePassword;
ProcessInfo.FileName = "regsvr32";
ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
ProcessInfo.Arguments = File + " /s"; //Here /s is uesr to carring out the
//registration process silently with out showing any message

Hope the above code helps you all.

Happy programing…………………

Friday, August 5, 2011

How to send Crystal Report 7 report as email attachment(excel or pdf)

Today I was asked to find out a solution for sending   crystal report 7 reports in our vb6 application as pdf attachment through outlook. I googled a loot and finally arrive at a solution for the same. I thought it will be good if I share this, so that some others can also get help. The only drawback that I see in this is, as our application using crystal reports 7.Using using crystal reports 7 we will not be able to export to pdf ,so I decided to do the code  to covert the report to excel and attach it to an outlook mail (Programmatically).I also learned after googling that exporting to Pdf pragmatically is not supported if the report is in version 7.PDf exporting is only supported by crystal report from 8.5 onwards.

For achieving these follow the below steps
Open vb6 and open a project.
Add a reference to Crystal report Engine 7 Object Library
Add the controls “Microsoft MAPI Controls 6.0” to the vb6 tool bar
Drag the controls “MAPIMessages” and “MAPISession” to the form.
Add a module and declare the constants as below.

Public Const WS_MINIMIZE = 536870912 ' Make a window of minimum size.
Public Const WS_VISIBLE = 268435456 'Make a window that is visible when it first appears (for overlapping and pop-up windows).
Public Const WS_DISABLED = 134217728 'Make a window that is disabled when it first appears.
Public Const WS_CLIPSIBLINGS = 67108864 'Clip child windows with respect to one another.
Public Const WS_CLIPCHILDREN = 33554432 ' Exclude the area occupied by child windows when drawing inside the parent window.
Public Const WS_MAXIMIZE = 16777216 'Make a window of maximum size.
Public Const WS_CAPTION = 12582912 'Make a window that includes a title bar.
Public Const WS_BORDER = 8388608 'Make a window that includes a border.
Public Const WS_DLGFRAME = 4194304 'Make a window that has a double border but no title.
Public Const WS_VSCROLL = 2097152 'Make a window that includes a vertical scroll bar.
Public Const WS_HSCROLL = 1048576 'Make a window that includes a horizontal scroll bar.
Public Const WS_SYSMENU = 524288 'Include the system menu box.
Public Const WS_THICKFRAME = 262144 ' Include a thick frame that can be used to size the window.
Public Const WS_MINIMIZEBOX = 131072 ' Include the minimize box.
Public Const WS_MAXIMIZEBOX = 65536 ' Include the maximize box.
Public Const CW_USEDFAULT = -32768
'Const CFies_Preview = WS_MAXIMIZE Or WS_CAPTION

Coming back to the form add controls as shown below and put the below code in respective control and form events.

Private CRPApplication As CRPEAuto.Application 'for reports
Dim crpPrintWindowObj As CRPEAuto.PrintWindowOptions
Private CRPReport As CRPEAuto.Report
Private CRPParameterFieldDefs As CRPEAuto.ParameterFieldDefinitions
Private CRPParameterFieldDef As CRPEAuto.ParameterFieldDefinition
Dim reportname As String

Public Sub WIndowsprint(sendmail As Boolean)
Dim strname As String
strname = "rptchartofaccounts.rpt"
strname = App.Path + "\reports\" + strname
Set CRPApplication = CreateObject("Crystal.CRPE.Application")
CRPApplication.LogOnServer "pdsodbc.dll", "odbcname", "databasename", "username", _
"password" 'ODBC login infomrtaion 
Set CRPReport = CRPApplication.OpenReport(strname)
Set crpPrintWindowObj = CRPReport.PrintWindowOptions
Set CRPParameterFieldDefs = CRPReport.ParameterFields
If sendmail Then
If txtRecepient.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Enter recipients it you want yo send this report as a mail")
Exit Sub
End If
lblStataus.Caption = "Your report is being genereate,Please wait a moment........"
'section for generating report and exporting to excel
Set CrystalOptions = CRPReport.ExportOptions
CrystalOptions.DestinationType = crEDTDiskFile
CrystalOptions.DiskFileName = App.Path + "\Temp\" + reportname + ".xls"
CrystalOptions.FormatType = crEFTExcel50 'cahnge to crEFTPortableDocFormat for pdf, but supported on 'crystal report 8.5 ans above
lblStataus.Caption = "Signing on to your mail software(Outlook)"
CRPReport.Export (False)
' build and send the email and attachment file to outbox
MAPISession1.UserName = ""
thisSessionHandle = MAPISession1.SessionID
MAPIMessages1.SessionID = thisSessionHandle
With MAPIMessages1
.RecipType = mapToList
.RecipDisplayName = txtRecepient.Text
.RecipAddress = "SMTP:" + txtRecepient.Text
.MsgSubject = txtSubject.Text
.MsgNoteText = "Body content of your email message "
'this section is for attaching the excel as attachment with the mail
.AttachmentIndex = 0
.AttachmentType = 0
.AttachmentPathName = App.Path + "\Temp\" + reportname + ".xls" '"C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\xxxx.PDF"
.AttachmentPosition = Len(.MsgNoteText) - 1
.AttachmentName = reportname + ".xls"
.Send True 'chnage to false if you want to send the mail with out showing the compose window to user(Directly to outbox)
End With
lblStataus.Caption = ""
With crpPrintWindowObj
.HasExportButton = True
.HasPrintButton = True
.HasPrintSetupButton = True
.HasSearchButton = True
End With
CRPReport.Preview "Contra", 0, 0, CFies_Preview
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub cmdShowReport_Click()
WIndowsprint False
End Sub

Private Sub dmSesndEmail_Click(Index As Integer)
WIndowsprint True
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
reportname = "chartofaccounts"
txtSubject.Text = reportname
End Sub

Monday, August 1, 2011

How to get the current user and Machine from which a query is executed in SQL server?

You can use select host_name() for getting the name of the machine from which the querry has been excecuted and for getting the windows user which excecute the querry tou can use the caommand select SYSTEM_USER