Monday, December 9, 2013

C# Code to read Active directory attributes for a user

Juts add the below code to a Windows/Web solution and assign the results to a label in you form

using System.DirectoryServices;
using System.Collections;

DirectoryEntry dir = new DirectoryEntry();
dir.Path = "LDAP://YourActiveDirServername ";
DirectorySearcher sea = new DirectorySearcher(dir);
sea.Filter = "(sAMAccountName=user)";
SearchResult seares = sea.FindOne();
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
System.DirectoryServices.ResultPropertyCollection prop = seares.Properties;
ICollection coll = prop.PropertyNames;
IEnumerator enu = coll.GetEnumerator();
while (enu.MoveNext())
str.Append(enu.Current + " = " + seares.Properties[enu.Current.ToString()][0] + "\n");

label1.Text = str.ToString();

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ho to remove / release locks from a SQL server table?

No need for me to explain this in details as this guy  has done it @

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How to bind enum to a dropdown/ combobox in c#?

The below code will help you to bind enum to combobox .

        enum Mode
        private void Form3_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            comboBox1.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Mode));

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Storing Multiple values in a SQL column using bit(&) operator.

There may be situation where we want to store multiple values against a customer, user etc.  Assume for a customer we need to store whether he  owns a House, Car, Bike, Flat, Laptop…….etc.
In normal scenario, what we do is to create separate column for these in the table and save them as Boolean values as below.

 By using the & bit operator in SQL we could eliminate create multiple columns for storing these type of values. Let us see first how we can store this data by using only a single column.

I believe all we know about binary representation like
Decimal  Binary equivalent
2               000010
4               000100
8               001000
16             010000
32             100000

The logic here to first represent the below values for each
Has House 2
Has Car  4
Has Bike 8
Has Flat 16
Has Laptop 32
(You may extent this to store n number using respective decimal/binary representation like 64,128,256……)
So if  we need to store data for a customer who has house and a flat, what we do is add the numbers against “Has House” and ”Has Flat” which will give 18 (2(Has House)+16(Has Flat)=18).  Store these values against the customer in a single column as shown below.

We could compare whether the customer has a house or a flat using the query below,
SELECT 'Has House'  FROM dbo.New_Cuatomer_Data WHERE Owns & 2 = 2
SELECT 'Has Car'    FROM dbo.New_Cuatomer_Data WHERE Owns & 4 = 4
SELECT 'Has Bike'   FROM dbo.New_Cuatomer_Data WHERE Owns & 8 = 8
SELECT 'Has Flat'   FROM dbo.New_Cuatomer_Data WHERE Owns & 16 = 16 
SELECT 'Has Laptop' FROM dbo.New_Cuatomer_Data WHERE Owns & 32 = 32 

How does it work?
The logic works here is that, the & operator checks whether the bit positions specified after the & operator in the query is on or not(1 or 0) .For example in the case of 18, it will binary represented as below.

Hence for
SELECT Owns & 2  FROM dbo.New_Cuatomer_Data
 It will return 2 if 2nd position is on (i.e. if 1)

Binary Bit Positions
Decimal equivalent 18